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Hello there!  

My name is Ricardo, and I’m currently a Group Creative Director at David Madrid working with clients like Coca-Cola, Netflix, Milka, Kraft Heinz, Burger King, among others.

For the past 15 years, I’ve worked with many talented people in New York, São Paulo, and Rio, at agencies such as R/GA NY, TBWA/Chiat/Day NY, Ogilvy NY, and Africa DDB.

Throughout this time, I've hacked the sneaker culture, taken a stand against fake news, turned a billboard into a stage, put Star Wars spaceships in the skies, made people believe the NFL was changing its ball, and much more for some of the biggest brands in the world.

I can speak English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I can't speak all the other languages.

Below, you'll find three buttons: one to connect with me on LinkedIn, another to send me an email, and the last one to watch cats bouncing on a page.